I’m an equal opportunity kind of girl. Boys can play with dolls and girls can play with trucks…to each his or her own.
That said, as I watched my husband build a temporary wall…I was struck at how very manly (and cool) it was.
Mark and my brother-in-law are cut from the same cloth. They both work hard, fast and don’t have to stop to eat or go the bathroom.
The two of them built a temporary wall so we could move the stairs. The wall keeps the structural integrity of the house so Mark can cut the ceiling open. We ordered lumber from Allegheny Millworks (they were super helpful and fantastic) and then they fired up the chop saw…
Not gonna lie…the chop saw is pretty awesome. They used a level then hammered each post into place…
And used a power drill to put in the finishing screws to hold it together.
Mark was beaming when all was finished…let’s just all have a moment of silence for his awesome temporary wall. 🙂
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Following this is just so cool…I am now invested in your home project. I have never, ever followed a blog!
I’ve never written a blog! I appreciate you following along…I’m having just as much fun writing this as I am working on the house. 🙂