
Category: The Row House

Everything We Bought For Our Home (so far!) That We Love!

Hello friends! Lots of new followers on Instagram and Facebook so I wanted to revisit some of our favorite items that we’ve purchased in our home renovation journey. Camel bar stools. We LOVE these and got them on Wayfair. They’re easy to put together, look really chic and I just wipe them with a wet cloth when Henry spills all his food and drinks on them! Firework chandelier. This is a recent purchase for us,…

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The Countdown Is On!

Welp, we’re moving in 2 weeks. Maybe 3. Hopefully 2. Yes, there’s a pandemic going on, but we have renters coming into our lovely rowhouse and so we GOTTA GET OUT! 🙂 I’m actually incredibly excited! Like, over the moon, can’t wait for it to happen EXCITED! The big house we’re moving to (that’s what Henry calls it) is like half finished. The major stuff is done but the trim, the doors, all the finishes…

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The Beauty of SIMPLE

Raise your hand if you like simple, clean and bright! I see you…thanks for agreeing. 🙂 Mark and I definitely lean toward the minimalistic sense of design. We like clean lines and favor simple accents over lots of stuff and overly fussy design. The master bedroom in our first renovation is the perfect example of simple, clean and bright. Our exposed brick fireplace is a central feature of the bedroom. Mark used extra bricks from…

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The Road Guy’s Room

Every night, we sit in Henry’s room and make forts and play with his favorite animals, Hal and Mr. Polar Bear! We were playing the other night and I said to Mark, “I can’t believe this room was such an ugly space filled with tons of junk and now it’s one of our favorite rooms in the house!“ Before he was born, Henry’s room started out as a catch-all space when we were renovating this…

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We Have This Thing For Exposed Brick

Maybe Mark was a mason in his former life because he (and I!) LOOOOVE exposed brick. It’s was a main feature in our first home renovation. The small rowhouse we gutted and totally redid had fireplaces EVERYWHERE! Our second renovation will feature exposed brick but not as prominently, because we’re going for a different style with this house. As Mark exposes the brick, some of it is in decent shape and some of it is…

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Baby proofing to the MAX!

We love our cool little house, but we definitely designed it for adults with its exposed brick and hard wood floors, a concrete dining room table and floating stairs with sharp edges. I love our house even more with our 13-month-old in it even though we are constantly trying to make sure he doesn’t slip, fall or crack his head on a corner. Now, we are baby proofing to the max and Henry is helping….

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Mark is Chip and Joanna Rolled Into One

We are big Fixer Upper fans just like the rest of America! And people always ask us if Mark is like Chip and if I’m like Joanna. The answer is no. Mark is Chip AND Jo, and I’m basically just his funny sidekick who follows him around and writes this blog! Hate to be that annoying wife who gushes about her husband, but Mark really is the brains behind all our designs and the brawn…

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Take A Wild Guess!

This is the easiest blog post I’ll ever write… Take a wild guess at what I’m most thankful for this Thanksgiving?! Look at my boys. How did one girl get so lucky? I definitely don’t deserve them, but I’m thankful that God sent me Mark and Henry! As a family, we are thankful for 4 wonderful grandparents, including Opa and Oma who came down from Toronto to see Henry. We are thankful for friends and…

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It's GO time!!!

The time is FINALLY here…we are headed to the hospital tomorrow morning to be induced! Little nugget head has been cooking for 42 weeks and now it’s time for his or her grand entrance! This weekend, I saw some girlfriends, had a great date night with Mark, went for long walks and tried to SLEEP! Mark is SO READY to be a dad. Everyday for the past 3 weeks, he said to me “Let’s have…

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This is totally my baby.

My baby is overdue. And the doctor says I could carry to 42 weeks. I had a stress test to make sure baby is okay and the doctor looked at the results and said, “That’s a textbook picture of a baby LOVING it in there!” Ugh. I might be pregnant forever. I know that my Grandma Alice was taking care of this baby up in heaven and I know she filled this child with piss…

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