My baby is overdue. And the doctor says I could carry to 42 weeks.
I had a stress test to make sure baby is okay and the doctor looked at the results and said, “That’s a textbook picture of a baby LOVING it in there!”
Ugh. I might be pregnant forever.
I know that my Grandma Alice was taking care of this baby up in heaven and I know she filled this child with piss and vinegar! She’s sending me a baby that’s as stubborn and strong willed as me!
I did let myself sulk around for a few hours yesterday feeling bad that I’m still pregnant and waddling around.
Then I went and got ice cream…2 scoops…because if I’m going to be pregnant for another week and a half, I’m going to enjoy it DAMMIT!!!
Hang in there girl
((hugs)) the end of pregnancy is so hard!!
Like my first child, it’s nice, cozy and WARMER in there. Why come out?! Lol. Take it easy and Best Wishes to all 3 of you. Swallow a ball!!