I stole that quote. It originally came from the uber-fabulous Courtney Kerr who said “I’m a B-U-Y girl, not a D-I-Y girl.”
And that quote totally encompasses my FORMER self. I’m not a crafty person or a person who gardens or makes stuff or builds things.
I like to buy things in stores and watch TV. 🙂
But this house project is slowly changing that. My husband, Mark, has always been a “hands-on” type of guy. He renovated his house in North Carolina…
And the man can wield a tool and build almost anything…
Mark is (slowly) changing me (for the better) into a more hands-on gal. I feel very proud at the end of the day after we’ve worked on the house…proud and exhausted and dirty.
I think my evolution is a good thing , although I don’t think anything beats DOING NOTHING while relaxing on the BEACH…
(with Heinekens) 🙂
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