I know how to dress for work. (Shout out to one of my favorite people…news anchor legend, Peggy Finnegan)
Apparently, I do NOT know to dress for DIY home renovations.
Because it’s warm and humid out, I work on the house in shorts and a short sleeve t-shirt, sometimes a tank top.
That is not a smart choice of clothing when you are working with paint stripper that could burn the hide off a cow.
I learned this the hard way when a teeny, tiny speck of the paint stripper got on my leg and I screamed like I was being run over by a car.
Mark said I was overreacting. I don’t think I was and then proceeded to accidentally burn myself several more times. At that point, I had enough and made myself a long skirt out of a garbage bag.
Even that trashy looking skirt (HA!) wasn’t enough…the paint stripper somehow got through that and burned my ankle.
I was SO OVER IT and made Mark give me his jeans. (He had another pair in the car)
Thank God they were too big. If not, we would have had another meltdown on our hands. 🙂
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Courtney I love reading your blog and seeing your home being renovated picture by picture. Why no mask though while you were using that stripper? Be careful!!
Thank you, Margaret! We’re being careful 🙂
Love the picture of you and Peggy!! She’s awesome and so are you!
I love the trashy picture, haha! I can’t imagine the pain of the stripper!! Ow! It looks like things are coming along well with your house, though 🙂
Peggy is the best!!
I can’t imagine how you can look so DIY working on your house then look so good on the news.
Thanks Sonny…that’s nice of you to say!