Mark did not marry me for my kitchen skills. In the six years we’ve known each other, I think I’ve only ever made him eggs. But they were delicious.
Even though I don’t cook, I sure as heck know that a crockpot should not be filled with metal things.
These are the super cool (and super old) hinges and door bell that were on the front door.
Mark saw on YouTube that you put them in a crockpot (we got a $9 one at Lowes)…put in dish washing liquid, turn it on low and let it sit overnight.
You scrub them the next morning and PRESTO…they look brand new!
We put them back on the door and they definitely go with the “distressed look.”
The best part of this bell?
You turn it to ring it. Here’s a video for your audio pleasure.
[wpvideo c8kxz0bz]
Our next step is to sand the door, paint it, and then sand it again for that “distressed look.” I told Mark it is a BLESSING I don’t cook…that way he can use all of our pots and pans for his construction needs. 🙂
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This blog should win an Emmy!
A blogging Emmy!!
I do love these old hinges and door bell. Can’t wait to see how the finished door looks.
We can’t wait to finish it! Waiting for the weather to warm up a tad. That probably won’t happen until April. 🙂