The answer is two blondes and a brother-in-law.
Mark and I had temporary bulbs in our can lights downstairs, and they would shut off periodically because they would get too hot.
I bought the correct wattage and my brother-in-law, Kevin, and I changed them in no time flat. Blonde sister Kelly took the pics.
I also blew a fuse. The lights in the upstairs hallway went out and we can’t live forever in the dark.
Kevin showed me the fuse box and how to fix it.
We are now prepped and ready for the drywall finisher who’s coming this week!
I’m so excited I can’t stand it!
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Excited for you~it’s such a good feeling to get to the point of drywalling…but it’s REALLY going to get dustier than ever…I know, I know. You’re thinking, can’t get any worse than what you’ve lived with all this time…BUT…believe ME when I say this, “Protect your closet/close space, however you’re storing it now, Hang plastic over your closet doors or coats, where you’re storing your dishes, anything that should be protected from that AWFUL dust that settles in places you would NEVER think possible, etc…you’ll thank me later in your mind when you see how MUCH dust will settle after the drywaller sands!! You’re welcome in advance!! 😉
Thank you, Cindy! Love the tips!