I no longer have to live in my bedroom…it is a miracle.
We bought a chair…our first piece of legit furniture for our downstairs. It only took an entire year.
You’ll notice we also have a rug.
A love seat is being shipped to us, and so we’ve got 2 folding chairs in its place. Classy.
I know my house is a work in progress, but I think it’s the bomb-dot-com. It definitely won’t be featured in a magazine, but it’s not the SIZE or LOOK of your house that matters…only the LOVE inside its walls.
And we’ve been lovin’ on this house for a VERY. LONG. TIME. 🙂
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Congrats, looking good things are coming together. They say the harder you work on things the more you appreciate it. Like you said its not the size or shape its the love and hard work you put into it. :-).
Your now officially living like normal people. Love the furniture.