Mark got a little overzealous with the spray foam insulation.
I’m not sure if he’s trying to soundproof our room or just wants it to be REALLY insulated. Whatever his motivation, I only think of the white, sugary goodness when I see this.
(I think my body is trying to tell me to buy a jar of fluff and eat it with a spoon. MUST. NOT. GIVE. IN.)
As we finish our new window project, Mark would like me to tell you that he knows he’s always wearing the same outfit.
Here’s my hubby last weekend….and the weekend before…and the weekend before that.
Mark wants you to know that he has other clothes.
I actually think he cleans up quite well!
And if his swanky clothes weren’t enough to make you love him…check out that forearm.
Hubba, hubba. 🙂
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