Maybe more than a bit. I think this new house project has put that “overwhelmed” feeling into a category 5.
Whenever I start feeling this way, it usually means it’s THAT time of the month.
But I think this time around it might be something a little deeper than Mother Nature’s monthly blessing to women. 😉
Don’t know about you, but whenever I look too far ahead into the future I start to panic.
I think about all the things we need to get done…the money it will take to do them…how will we find the time to fit everything in?
Then I start to wonder, “What if we can’t do this?”
All these thoughts mean I need to hit the RESET BUTTON.
Here’s what I do…I start praying OUT LOUD and thank God for all the good in our life…for waking up that day, for my legs and arms and brain, for the roof over our heads, the food on the table, the car that gets me to work, for our family…
After that, I usually realize that if the worst did happen…if Mark and I can’t do this and we lose all of our money…we’ll still be okay.
We’ll have each other, we’ll have our family and friends and we will still find a way to kick some a$$. 🙂
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That’s the spirit. I have these conversations daily. But in the end I’m glad I can have the conversation at all. We are all very lucky and blessed to be able to follow our passions.
Amen to that!
Awesome words. He is always there for us. We just need to rely on Him.
I like the way you look at life, ,we all need a reminder to be thankful. One thing I’m thankful for is a bath tub that drains, because of an old trailer we lived many years ago.
Always a good idea to be thankful and grateful!