Hello and Happy New Year to all of you fabulous readers…all you blog lovahs!
I’m handing the keyboard over to my favorite guy, Mr. Marky Mark…we decided that he would write the first post of 2016!
Hey everyone…I’m not a wordsmith like Courtney, but I have a few things to share.
To start, Courtney and I never envisioned that we’d be here…in this cool little house with blog readers and followers and a second house that we’re going to tackle.
There’s no way we would be doing all of this without the fabulousness that is my wife! She makes me look far better than I really am…though now I take a backseat to baby Lily. 🙂
I’d also like to point out that Courtney makes this blogging thing look easy…she can write a post in 10 minutes…I’ve been writing this since October!
I love being part of this adventure we’re on, and we’re only getting started. One of Courtney’s favorite things to say to me is…Think Big, Give Back, Be Joyful!
And that’s what 2016 is going to be about…building big things and blessing others. Another one of my wife’s favorites…Life is about give and take, but the GIVING is the most important!
Cheers to 2016, everyone, make it great! BOOM!
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Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, Yvonne…hope 2016 is the best yet! 🙂
Happy New Year, Courtney and Mark….hope 2016 is very good to you!
Thanks Mrs. Weinberg! We wish the same for you…and GOOD HEALTH to your family and Pete!
Happy New Year to you and all your family.
The same to you, Charlie…thanks for always reading! Appreciate it!
Well spoken Mark, you are a great guy,you and Courtney compliment each other you both are so special!! I feel like there’s nothing the two of you can’t accomplish together.
Thanks Bernie! Big hugs for 2016…you are too nice to send such a sweet message!
I always read, but never comment. Enjoy watching your dreams come true. Let’s GIVE!!!
Thank you for always reading…and THANKS for your comment…so nice!! Happy 2016 to you…we’re all gonna GIVE! 🙂