One of my favorite things to see is drywall going up.
It makes a dirty and exposed construction space feel like an actual room.
When the ceiling and walls start to appear, I can actually feel a weight being lifted off of me.
Those walls tell me that everything is going to be fine.
Even though Mark has proven that he is capable of renovating an ENTIRE house and WE are capable of doing this…I still have doubts.
There’s still an annoying, ugly voice in my head that comes out every so often and says, “You can’t do this. You’re not good enough.”
My newest way to combat that voice is to stand up straight, squeeze my fists and say out loud “You are a nasty little troll and no one cares what you think and you can continue being sad and awful and go back to binge eating Cheetos in your troll basement!”
Feel free to give it a try if you ever need to silence that troll in your head. 🙂
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Courtney & Mark,
Sometimes it can become a little overwhelming, but remember in your entire life nothing worthwhile came easy. The two of you work very hard for everything that you have.
Your house maybe taking a little longer to make it exactly the way you want it to be, but good things come to those that wait.
Your house may not be finished, but it is nowhere like it was when the two of you started. I am very proud of the two of you… Hang in there, pray and keep up the good work. ☺
You got this!! You can do this as you both have shown this many times!