Early this week, God sent us our gift…our sweet baby, Henry James, finally decided to make his debut!
He might have stayed in my belly for 42 weeks and required the doctors to induce him, but as soon as we started the induction, Hank the Tank got on board.
I only labored with little peanut for a few hours and the epidural was AWESOME. Like, totally awesome…ladies, you should get it.
Once Henry was ready, I pushed for 16 minutes and he popped right out.
We didn’t know the sex beforehand, so when Mark shouted “It’s a boy!!!”…I totally lost it.
We are over the moon with this sweet baby and trying to figure out this parent thing. Oh my god, I already have like 5 funny stories to tell you…but that’s for another post!
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I am SOOO HAPPY for you guys! CONGRATULATIONS!!! One day at a time for the parenting thing. He will be easy peazy until he turns 12 or 13. When those hormones kick in don’t let him out of your sight! Lol
Love the name you picked..he’s beautiful!!
Congratulations Courtney & Mark! So happy for you both! Henry James is beautiful!
So very happy for you and Mark! I love that you waited to find out if you have a son or daughter. That is one very good looking cute peanut! Congratulations and welcome Henry James!!
Congratulations on the birth of your son. I’ve been following your blog from the beginning and totally enjoy it.
Courtney and Mark! Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful, sweet baby. I couldn’t be happier for you! Welcome to the world, Henry James
Congrats! Henry is absolutely adorable! I’m so glad you had a great labor and delivery! Can’t wait to read the funny stories you have 🙂
So happy he’s finally here . Congratulations and best wishes ! The Great adventure begins – parenting ‘
Congratulations to all of you! What a beautiful,amazing alert baby Henry! I love the name!
Beautiful! Congratulations!
Congratulations and best wishes!
Congrats on your very handsome son and tyvm for sharing your very special day with us god bless your family 💙💙💙💙😇😇😇
It was so awesome to be your stork nurse with little Hank. He is amazing and you guys are an awesome family. Congratulations!