Mom Guilt is real…it totally screws with your head…and it’s hard to get rid of.
That is the 2,346,758th thing I have learned as a mother.
I swore to myself that I would breastfeed Henry as long as I could, but if it got really difficult when I went back to work then I would supplement with formula and not feel bad about it.
Well, guess how that went??? Not well at all.
I don’t want to give him formula…I just keep thinking how well he’s grown just having breast milk!
I know I’m being pig-headed.
Hank’s pediatrician said even the most well-meaning moms can get a bit crazy about breastfeeding.
I’m DETERMINED to keep nursing Hank. Even with a painful breast infection called mastitis that I keep getting.
We are working on clearing that up and Hank is a champ and helping Mom do that, but I’m exhausted.
And, yes, I’m smiling in that picture…but ask my husband…or mom or sister…I’m so stressed right now my head could burst at any moment!!
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You’re the boss, relax & do what you feel is best! Ask for Gods help, he’s always there for you!
This may or may not help: I’m 65 my sons are 37 & 33. I still feel guilty about things that I think I should have done better when my sons were growing up. I guess it’s just being a mom. You are doing a great job. There is not any perfect way or only one way to raise children. TRUST YOURSELF
Courtney, you will not meet anyone who advocates breastfeeding more than me. I BF both of our daughters with very little problems. That being said, GIVE YOURSELF SOME GRACE!!! You’ve done such an awesome job raising little Hank. He is healthy and happy. There is NO shame in switching to the bottle now. You have to think about not only what is best for Hank but what is best for you. You must take care of yourself first to be able to care for him. If you do switch to bottle never apologize or put yourself down. #careforthecaregiver.
I will keep you in my prayers.
He is cute! You have to do what is best for you. There is no right or wrong. You are doing a great job! Look at that big smile!
I had mastitis when I breast fed my children. As many mom’s get. I found warm compresses helped TREMENDOUSLY for me. It brought soothing comfort to me. I’m sure the doctors or other moms have given you many helpful suggestions. Please take care of yourself. I had to give up breastfeeding much sooner with my son(even with all the mom guilt)my stress was drying my milk up!
So…you’re NOT giving up breastfeeding, you are simply taking care of you in order to be the best little momma for Hank. Hank certainly got the most important start in his life with the months you have breast fed! Don’t beat yourself up (you have many years ahead of you to do that in parenting, lol!)
Take care & I hope it clears up for you soon!!
Don’t feel guilty if you switch to formula. I did (31 years ago) and my daughter thrived. We are too hard on each other. Do what works for your life and Hank will do fine.