Our sweet baby Henry is now 1. I can’t believe it…it was the fastest year of my life!
I’m not the greatest mom in the history of the world, but I’ve learned a few gems that I now live by and want to share.
Henry has eaten his fair share of dirt, leaves, rocks and yucky stuff at the playground…and he is fine! We don’t let him make a meal of it, but it’s impossible to keep your kid away from every germ…and you’ll lose your sanity if you try.
Showering once a week is perfectly acceptable. Henry gets a bath several times a week, but Momma survives on dry shampoo and a delightful new perfume I got from Jo Malone. I either don’t have time to shower, or (if I do) I’d rather sleep!
Henry wears the same 4 outfits and most times they don’t match! As long as his clothes are clean and he is happy, I don’t really care how he looks. He is currently wearing a “Santa’s Favorite Elf” shirt because it fits around his big belly and that was the first thing I grabbed. HA!
Don’t compare yourself to other moms on social media. If they act like their lives are perfect with a baby…they’re lying!!! Having a baby is SO HARD and you spend most of the day on the floor, in a sweatshirt, your hair in a ponytail and crusty makeup from the day before under your eyes. Trust me.
You must do what works for YOU. Henry watches Sesame Street in the morning (so that I can get ready for work) and at night (so that I can shove some food in my mouth and have a few sips of wine.) He only sits still when that show is on, and so I use it so that I can get myself together. NO SHAME…USE SESAME STREET!
We’re finally in a REALLY good place! Henry is now at a really fun age and I’ve gotten better at being a Mom. I feel less overwhelmed than I did during months 6-9 and (I’m glad to report) the days are much easier for me!
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Happy Birthday Henry!!!
As you said, “time does fly by” So enjoy every minute!!
Courtney, your right it’s not easy being a first time or a 5th time Mother. I am going to give you some advice. I have 5 children & 3 Grandchidren & I had it hard. I was a single mother & had to struggle. There were times I didn’t eat at home, because I had to feed my children. I don’t regret it either. Through all of this Ibhad TRUST ISSUES as well. I forgot to say I was in an abusive relationship. Now that I look back on my life, I wouldn’t change it because it made me the WOMAN I am today. Lesson: Do what best suite your FAMILY. Stay Blessed & keep up the FANTASTIC JOB REPORTING.