We are in the throes of potty training and by “throes” I mean Henry has no interest.
He is now two and a half and I’m noticing that other kids his age at the playground and in gymnastics class are not in diapers.
We did get him a Paw Patrol toilet seat and he likes to sit on it then throw toilet paper in and flush it.
But the actual act of going the bathroom on the potty is not happening.
My friend said that she let her boy run around the backyard without a diaper and let him pee in the grass which he LOVED. Then, she’d take him to the toilet and try to reenact.
Let me tell you, when we told Henry he could pee on the bugs in the backyard this weekend…HE WAS IN HEAVEN! It hasn’t transferred yet to the actual toilet, but we are hopeful!
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Relax, it will happen. Many boys are not ready until three.
Courtney, this is going to sound like an old wive’s tale because I am an old wife, but when our kiddos were little, I heard two things that have stuck with me. The first one is that if a toddler can pedal a bike & make it go, then he’s ready for potty training. It kind of makes sense. The second one is someone told me that not many kids go to kindergarten in diapers, so don’t sweat it. Eventually he’ll figure it out. I can tell you though, that the thing that helped the most was that we took a week off and stayed home and I put training pants on the kiddos ( do they even make training pants anymore?). It was a little messy but eventually they figured it out. We all do. Good luck!!
Good luck!!
My daughter is 2 and 2 months and she loves to sit on the potty…tear off toilet paper… and flush. She has never peed on in it yet. The best advice I’ve been given is, wait until they’re ready. I’m not rushing it. I know it will happen. Best of luck to you!!!!! I love the “peeing on the bugs” idea 😂!
If you put Dawn in the toilet, it’ll bubble when he pees. Another friend put cheerios in the toilet and told her little boy to pee on those.
Hi Courtney,
Not sure if you got Henry potty trained yet. When my son (38) was little he was a bull to train. He was 3 and i got a nurse to get me a handheld mens urine bottle. My God it was sooo much fun for him to pee in that thing and dump & flush it! It worked! We got 2 more, 1 for each vehicle since they have lids they were great for travel. Try one, it just might work.
Merry Christmas.
I’ll have to try this – thanks!!