Now that we’re on Day 7,856 of this #quarantine, there are a few simple truths that I follow to stay sane, upbeat and somewhat put together!

I put on makeup and fix my hair every morning. I don’t know the psychology behind it, I just know that it makes me feel better and helps me tackle the day.
Making the beds and cleaning the kitchen. When the house feels tidy, I feel more in control. (Even when a global pandemic is wreaking havoc outside.)

Set aside working hours. It’s kinda easy to just work all day long, but then it feels like the work day never ends. I like to work for 2.5 hours as soon as I get up. It’s while I’m drinking my coffee and Henry is eating breakfast and watching his shows. Once I get my work done and sent out, I play with Henry for the rest of the day and respond to emails and texts as they come in. I’ll also do a little work at night to prep for the morning while Mark is hanging with Henry.

Walking is my new favorite exercise! I now take 2 daily walks with Henry. Instead of focusing on length, time or calorie burn, I try to just enjoy the sunshine. Henry will ride his little bike or jump in the stroller and take a snooze. I listen to my podcasts, Spotify and just try to BE PRESENT.

Please comment below and share some of your stay-at-home truths! I would love to hear them!
I wish I could be more like you. I have the best of intentions but not can feel the depression sinking in. I eat a lot of the day and can’t get back on my weight watchers and my daughter age 29 was diagnosed with breast cancer right before the pandemic so I just feel like a hot mess 😢
I have been obsessed with cleaning as my husband and I are still working. So very thankful every morning I wake up and feel well. My girls are both safe as they can work from home. However…my Boy..a combat vet..just graduated the PSP. Just found out today that his instructors tested positive. My prayers are not nightly as before. They are hourly. It gives me strength and hope!!
Hello, my wife and I work together but we are still working. Lucky? Not much has changed. I know I tell u all the time but you are beautiful.
You are great at sharing the mundane, happy, good, perfect and imperfect life that we all have in common. Keep up the good works that you do. Love seeing you with family, home n work.
Thanks Sandy!
Good Morning Courtney,
I totally agree with you! Everyday I get up, have a cup of tea, read myself for the day by reading scrioture. Then shower, makeup, hair fixed and start my day. I am on Staff at Brownsville Free Public Library, and since we are closed, I am home. However, my Director and I take turns going down to the Library and checking the book bin, shelving books that were dropped in, check messages and then preparing a story time to read to my Littles that users
to come in for our Toddler Time. We video and put it on our website via Facebook for them. We started this last week and will continue weekly until we can open again.
I broke down Saturday morning and colored my own hair, which Hairdressers everywhere say no, but I was looking hagged out and look and feel much better!
I lost my Partner two years ago and have found I just keep doing these things to keep me going.
You are a fine, young Momma and an inspiration to do many! Thank you!
Thank you for the message! Sweet blessings to you!
I do almost the dam thing. I do my hair and grumble because my roots need done and I put on makeup! I like to start early and then end a little earlier. Thst way I can relax and start the next day fresh!