
Category: #MomLife

The Fresh Prince of Lawrenceville!

First and foremost, it is WAY EASIER to renovate a house than get a newborn to sleep. Trust me. Every night Mark and I try to rock Henry to sleep…as quickly and painlessly as possible. A few nights ago, Mark was holding Hank and swinging him around and started to sing… My husband apparently doesn’t know any lullabies and so he sang the theme song to the The Fresh Prince of Bel Air. HENRY LOVED…

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Parenting 101

Mark and I have been dad and mom for almost 3 weeks. Here is what I would tell people about being a first time parent… The majority of my day is spent hoping Henry poops, examining his poop and then discussing his poop with Mark. As a breastfeeding mom, I am a 24 hour Dairy Queen and I don’t care about wearing nice shirts…I also walked into Starbucks with a huge wet spot after feeding…

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When Lily Met Hank

My niece, Lily, is a spunky little sass muffin. Mark and I absolutely adore her, and we could not wait to introduce her to baby Henry! At first, Lily was more impressed with the “It’s a boy!” balloons, but after about 20 minutes she warmed to the little man she called “bay-beeee!” Lily then preceded to tap Henry on the head and point out all his features…”eyes!” “ears!” “nose!” And then she gave him a…

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Our Little Man

Early this week, God sent us our gift…our sweet baby, Henry James, finally decided to make his debut! He might have stayed in my belly for 42 weeks and required the doctors to induce him, but as soon as we started the induction, Hank the Tank got on board. I only labored with little peanut for a few hours and the epidural was AWESOME. Like, totally awesome…ladies, you should get it. Once Henry was ready,…

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Happy Father's Day!

A BIG and HAPPY Father’s Day to all you Daddios out there! Especially my Pops, my brother-in-law and my hubby/daddy-to-be! These guys have helped Mark and I so much with our home renovations, and they’re both great dads! An extra big squeeze to my other half who I KNOW will be an awesome dad! **FOLLOW ILOVE2SWEAT! Just click the “+ Follow” button at the top of the page and put in your email address…some of…

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Kiddo Krazy

Uncle Mark and Aunt Courtney have been out in full force these last few weeks! Lilypad continues to be the cutest baby on the planet and I am smitten beyond words. She has the entire family totally obsessed with her every move. And Mama Kelly is looking sooooo good, it’s like she never gained any baby weight…girlfriend is smokin’!!! I get to babysit Lily BY MYSELF very soon. I must get a pack n’ play…

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Uncle Mark

Mark loves being a DIY home renovater ALMOST as much as he loves being an uncle. Uncle Mark was in his full glory when nephews, Lucas and Joey, came in for a quick visit with Mark’s sister, Trish. Leading up to the reunion, Mark went to our local Busy Beaver (his fave spot) and picked out some safety glasses for the kids. He also grabbed a 2×4 and put the boys through a “home renovation”…

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We don't have proper resort wear

Turns out our DIY home renovation lifestyle does not exactly transfer over into the fancy schmancy world of resort living. The first guests in our room at the Bedford Springs Resort wore big hats that probably wouldn’t even fit in our rowhouse. And when we drank champagne at The Tavern, I basically felt like I was on the Titanic and was waiting for Celine Dion to sing “My Heart Will Go On.” The sweet town…

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Born This Way!

To quote the bad a$$ Lady Gaga…”I’m on the right track baby, I was born this way!” (I’m really talking about my husband) Do you recognize our Marky Mark? That’s 14-year-old Mark in his parents’ Toronto garage helping his dad renovate their house. Check out those safety glasses…such a stud. I guess he was meant to be a DIY home renovator from the start! We found this picture when we were in Toronto this past…

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Aunt Courtney

You know what’s better than renovating and blogging and most things in general? Being an aunt. I’m spending the week at the beach in Stone Harbor with my sister, Kelly, and her baby girl, Lily. [wpvideo Fq2DVB4n] Mama Kelly lets me help with the feedings and I get to play with her and rock her to sleep. Lily is the tiniest little thing and yet she makes the LOUDEST noises…sometimes we’re not sure what end…

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